Our alumnus, Michael , is the founder and general manager of "WONDER COMMUNICATIONS CO., LTD.". He was admitted to the 8th EMBA with the first result. At that time, to attend the class on time, he often took the first flight to go abroad and took the last back on the same day. Next morning, went to Soochow University for class. His spirit of working hard has led " WONDER COMMUNICATIONS CO., LTD." to operate in Taiwan for more than 30 years. The company uses "brand authorization" to keep its market share continuously growing. Innovative business methods and the entrepreneurship from 1 to 1+ have allowed him to be selected as the 37th Entrepreneurship Model of the Republic of China, the 10th Taiwan Top 100 MVP Manager, and the 5th Outstanding Alumni of Soochow University.
Unlike other translation pens in the industry, Wonder's latest offline scanning translation pen can scan offline at any time without supporting books. It can scan words on words, sentences, words on curved surfaces, medicine bottles, labels, screens and with real-person pronunciation and compact size. It is a very convenient language tool for learning English or businesspersons. With the inheritance spirit of "Love Soochow as the first", he donated 15 offline translation pens to the business school. The donation ceremony was held on April 28. In the ceremony, Dean Tsu-Tan Fu issued a certificate of appreciation to him.